Wednesday, May 4, 2011

One in a million? Me? Na!!

When I was in 5th grade, we had a story writing assignment . All of us had to write a story of about 50 pages or more. We got trained as to how to write a story right from making a list of characters to making the plot of the story. And the minute I finished my first book, a rather immature and a parody of some other novel, I decided that I want to be a writer!

It was quite an amateur dream actually. Since my first story was a parody of some other novel, I wasn’t quite sure what I want to write about but, I was pretty adamant! I wanted to be a writer!
But as I grew up, the society began to mould me. The society began to influence me in such a way that I knew for sure that being a painter, a dancer, a singer or a writer was NEVER going to happen. The probability of people being famous in one of these professions is ONE IN A MILLION!
And me? A writer? That one in a million?
Am I that special? Passion is not enough to be a writer then... what is?
The society told me~ don’t bother with all these idealistic dreams. Engineering, medicine or law will get you into the best university, will you get you the best job and hence, will get you the best pay.
My brain was quite convinced by the society’s gibberish but my heart is no fool. My brain caught up with the scientific world by the time I was in grade 10 and now, when someone asks me of what I want be, I say I want to be an engineer. (Quite a common answer really)
Thus, since I want the best, I get into the best school to mould me into scientific thinking, get into the best coaching centre to mould me into being an IITian and put in my best efforts to be one of  the country’s best technical minds.
Hence I gather those million thick books, dump them on my bed, get a comfortable position and start reading them one by one with a pencil in my hand. And after 2 or 3 hours when my brain refuses to cooperate, I close my eyes just for a minute and I am where I want to be.
I see myself doing what I love most. Writing. My picture on the cover of millions of copies of my book. My autograph on these books! That’s what I really want!
I want to be one the country’s best creative minds not one of the country’s best technical minds. That’s what I truly want. That’s what my heart wants me to do.
But my brain forces my eyes open to give me a reality check. I look at the clock and I’ve slept for five whole minutes!! If I want to be an IITian, I cannot afford to dream like this.
Hence as the hypocrite I am, I continue learning the intricacies of organic chemistry stifling my creativity, hoping that some day, I’l be one of the best techinal minds of the country in order to get the best job and the best pay.

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